Travelport is $2billion business with offices across the world and around 4,000 employees. They faced a challenge of unifying their social channels, and social message.
In addition, they wanted to grow their brand awareness and prospect acquisition strategies through social paid for channels such as LinkedIn and Facebook. We helped them target the right people, with the right messaged – doubling their engagement and quadrupling their CTR.
ClientTravelportServicesSocial Organic, Social Paid, CreativeYear2018
Multiple stakeholders across the 5,000-people-large business were using corporate and local account to promote their activity
This led to quite chaotic channels with random, not-fit-for channel imagery, typos in posts etc.
Furthermore, the whole business was using only organic social for promotion, not making the most out of their content
Regular Masterclasses on different topics around social to upskill people across the business.
Creating guides and checklists for people to use when posting online to ensure quality assurance.
Centralising campaign production: Pre-packaged campaigns and messaging for both paid and organic.
Running first paid campaigns.
On LinkedIn, engagement rate has more than doubled, from 0.91% to 2.3. We have also quadrupled the click-through rate from 0.26% to 1.44%
On Facebook, we have more than doubled the amount of engagements (from 714 to 1,657) and impressions (from 26,586 to 63,979)
On Paid, we have lowered the CPA from £200 to £99
Higher quality content that is distributed to regions, who spend less time on creating and thinking of their own content – winning back time